Fireplace Repair San Diego

Fireplace Repair - Kleen Sweep - San Diego Chimney SweepMaintaining your fireplace and chimney in good repair is a the best way to protect your family from a house fire.

Call Kleen Sweep today for information about keeping your fireplace safe for your family.

> CSIA The Facts About Chimney Fires

Firebox Repair

Fireplace Repair – Firebox Tuckpointing 
Fireboxes, the inside area of a fireplace where the fire burns, occasionally need to undergo maintenance and repair. The most common repair needed is firebox tuckpointing. Deteriorated mortar joints are removed, the area is cleaned and new refractory cement is applied. Other common repairs needed are repair or replacement of cracked, damaged, loose or missing firebrick. In these instances the bad brick is repaired or replaced as needed.

Fireplace Repair - Firebox Tuckpointing  Fireplace Repair - Firebox Tuckpointing

Fireplace Repair – Refractory Panel Replacement
If you have a prefabricated fireplace, only the cracked or worn refractory panels need to be replaced, but this should be done by a certified chimney technician. The panels will need to be cut and sized properly, and in some cases, multiple panels need to be fit together.

Fireplace Repair - Refractory Panel Replacement  Fireplace Repair - Refractory Panel Replacement

Fireplace Door and Gas Log Set  Another fireplace repair is the addition of a glass door and gas log set which can turn your old fireplace into a welcome improvement for your San Diego home. > more
Fireplace Repair - Fireplace Door  Fireplace Repair - Fireplace Door  Fireplace Repair - Fireplace Door

Miscellaneous Fireplace Repair Items and Accessories

  • Ash Dump Doors The ash dump door is located in the middle of the firebox and makes it easy to remove ash from the firebox. The dump door is opened to move the ash into the ash dump. The ash dump is the space directly below the ash dump door and is where the ash falls anytime the ash dump door is opened.
  • Ash Clean Out Doors   A small door which gives access to the area of the chimney where ashes or soot collect. By installing a clean out door, subsequent cleanings are accomplished more quickly.
  • Fireplace Smoke Guards Smoke guards are simple and affordable solutions to smoking fireplaces . Smoke guards are used to reduce the size of the fireplace opening which allows the fireplace to contain back drafts and control the flow of heat that is produced by the fireplace.
  • Fireplace Heat Reflector Fireplace heat reflectors will maximize gas and wood use, and protect your firebox from heat damage.Fireplace heat reflectors will also increase the amount of heat entering the room by as much as 42%.
  • Fireback Installation A fireback is an excellent method of increasing the heat output and efficiency of a wood fireplace. Firebacks serve both as decoration and as a practical way to increase the heat from a fireplace so that the fireplace not only heats the area in front of the fireplace, but also the entire room.
  • Rumford Fireplace – Rumfordizing Your Fireplace Since 2007 San Diego Kleen Sweep clients have relied on Matt Kastlunger’s expert advice as a CSIA chimney sweep in finding ways of increasing the heating efficiency of a standard box style fireplace. As a solution we often recommend that a client consider Rumfordizing or converting their existing box-style masonry fireplace into a a more heat efficient and elegant > Rumford style fireplace.